Seasonal Shifts: Things to Do this Spring for Seasonal Living

Spring is one of my favorite seasons of the year. But then so is fall, winter, and summer, in that order. Each season brings its own special nuance of living, and it’s really best for our souls if we go along with it well. Here are five ways to shift yourself into spring from the darkness of winter.

Spring is a pregnant time. New life is growing, yet not quite “born” into the magnificence of summer. I’m thinking my seedlings for the garden, the peonies and asparagus poking up out of the ground, and the ever-lengthening days just starting to get longer. There’s a feeling of new hope, quickening energy, and even excitement.

It’s a time for newness in all things

With this newness in mind, here are some ways you can and should capitalize on this most beautiful, fresh, new season of the year!

1)     Wake Up

Just as we rest and sleep for long periods of time during the dark days of winter, cuddling into our warm blankets by a roaring fire or enjoying long candlelit nights, spring brings a new feeling. This is a feeling that tells us it’s time to get up and get going!

This is a time to dream!

Spring is a time to start those projects you’ve had on the back burner, including that garden you’ve been considering for years. Spring is a time to emerge from the cave of darkness into the light of new things.

2) Start Your Year New Again

We have New Years in January, while it’s still winter, while it’s still dark and cold. While we are still hibernating. I don’t know about you, but I’m not fully awake at that time, much as I would love to say I am.

Actually, I’m usually tired, still recuperating from the frenetic energy of the holidays. So the New Year in January often feels like one more thing to get through.

BUT, what if we switched our New Year to Spring, along with the beginning of the second quarter of the year? What if we gave ourselves a do over? Mostly, I hear from people that they didn’t do so well with their goals in the first quarter of the year.

Well, that’s ok!

It’s time to start fresh on April 1st, and enjoy a new beginning along with the advent of Spring and the equinox and the time change giving us longer days of daylight. Let’s use this time to start our goals anew!

Let’s give ourselves a second chance to make positive changes in our lives.

3) Get Outdoors and Awaken Your Senses

I see runners all the time, having their headphones on totally zoning out to the music. And this is fine, actually, as the purpose is to get in that great work out. BUT, what if you took some time every day in the Spring to just walk or sit, and observe nature around you.

There’s something about listening to the birds singing that’s so calming, yet energizing.

Or if you’re in a place where there’s wildlife, like I am….it’s time for all the new babies. Deer are having their new fawns, mountain lion mamas are feeding their kittens, and the pheasants are mating. It’s truly a new time and a wonderful time to pay attention to your natural world, whether that’s in a city or the country.

See the flowers. Watch the leaves unfurl.

This is the time to appreciate the magic of new life. Right now.

4) Eat for Springtime Nourishment

Where we live, there’s a big push for seasonal eating. Now that we’re coming out of winter, where we ate a LOT of potatoes and onions and heavier things, including warming, thick soups and homemade breads, now is the time to start switching over to somewhat lighter fare.

The cold season greens are in season in most places, and especially delicious lettuce! You could try growing micro greens on your counter top or if you have room in a sunny window, some fresh lettuce right in your home!

Asparagus is another delicious spring treat that only comes around for a month or so where we live. And did you know you can start foraging for wild greens too? Chickweed, purslane, purple dead nettle, cleavers, and other plants are wonderful for adding nutrients to your spring foods.

Want to find out specifically what is in season in any given month in your area? Here’s a link to a site that will tell you specifically what is in season for where you live. Seasonal Foods by Area. It’s a fun one to play with!

5) Rejoice in the Extra Daytime

Now, I know this is really a fallacy….that we have more time in the spring….especially when we must lose an hour to Daylight Savings Time, right? This is always a grumpy time for me, losing that hour of sleep. It takes me about two weeks to get straight again.

BUT, that extra hour of light at the end of the day does wonders for the brain! Enjoy this extra daylight to work in the garden, be outside, or start a new project.

Maybe you’d like to take a class and learn a new skill? Perhaps how to make your own handmade soap? Or a deep dive into a specific plant in your area, so you can learn to use it for cooking and natural medicine? This extra hour or so, and the increasingly longer days in general are simply blessings.

Any way you choose to use this time, I suggest making sure it’s in enjoyment. Make this enjoyment a habit, and it will last you into the summer!

Final Thoughts:

Spring is a time of beauty, growth, excitement and newness! Enjoy these lovely days wherever you are.

What kinds of spring activities do you especially enjoy? How do your days change in the spring?

You might also enjoy these tips for Springtime Skincare!

Love, Light, and All the Blessings,
